To walk around on foot without a specific goal, just for breathing fresh air or excercise.
Examples for "go for a walk"
Examples for "go for a walk"
1Let's go for a walk! agreed Stepan Arkadyich with radiant good humor.
2We will go for a walk on the tops of the cliffs.
3Well, this tea is refreshing; I will go for a walk afterward.
4And when everyone went upstairs, he suggested they go for a walk.
5You can go for a walk, you can walk past other people.
1They decided they'd take a walk if they saw a good place.
2I appreciate it, but I really just need to take a walk.
3Perhaps it would be better to take a walk in the open.
4Go and take a walk in the fresh air-itwill revive you.
5I think it is time to suit up and take a walk.
1I'll go for a stroll on the bottom of the sea.
2I shall go for a stroll now, by myself, to clear my head.
3One night, I go for a stroll and meet Maxi, a young pineapple farmer.
4Shall we go for a stroll on the lawn, sir?
5I feel inclined to take advantage of the moonlight and go for a stroll.
6I must go for a stroll with Sir Isaac, and discuss with him certain complications.
7Before taking our seats in the trap, we go for a stroll through the village.
8In the afternoon, during Albinus' usual nap, she would sometimes go for a stroll with Rex.
9Only mad dogs and Irishmen would go for a stroll in this kind of Amazonian heat.
10One cannot go for a stroll or a ride without breaking into the middle of a tryst.
11About midnight I let myself out to go for a stroll, carefully closing the door behind me.
12We will go for a stroll together.
13Freddie later said it was like: 'Want to go for a stroll?' And of course he wanted to.
14Perhaps I'll go for a stroll.
16We'll go for a stroll, okay?